The school of Money & Macro offers masterclasses and courses that will teach you the basic foundation of economics through the simple language, lively case studies, and the animations that you know & love from the Money & Macro channel.

I teach

  1. Masterclasses that are a summary of the latest research on key topics and,
  2. Courses that provide a complete overview of the main subjects of economics.

Press the "Sign me up" button to see what masterclasses and courses I offer.

Hi, I’m Joeri

I teach economics. I do so by publishing videos about videos about current events on YouTube and about fundamental concepts here on the School of Money and Macro. I've developed the materials here using my experience as a University lecturer at Dutch universities, where I am still certified to teach at the university level.

"I've never before had a teacher which made complex economic subjects come to life like dr. Joeri Schasfoort"

- Joram
